I’ve always been a big fan of cooking with herbs and spices. Years ago my mom taught me how to grow all kinds of herbs from parsley to oregano, all in different varieties. She told me that it’s important to consider the specific needs of each herb to ensure they are always cared for properly. Before she taught me, I thought you just watered them every so often – I was definitely wrong! Today, I want to share with you how I learned to grow and enjoy the tasty benefits of fresh-picked herbs and vegetables. It really isn’t that hard – even though I do think I still need to hone my skills. With a little bit of help (Scynce LED lights can improve your yield in winter!), I can be enjoying fresh-picked fresh herbs and tasty fresh veggies any time I want.
One of my favorite things about gardening is the versatility of the plants. I love being able to use all kinds of herbs for a variety of dishes and cooking styles. In this section, I’m going to give you some tips for what kind of container to purchase to start your own garden and get started growing in your home or in a public (like a park) garden. I have planted tomatoes (with good results), peppers, chives, basil, sweet corn, leaf lettuce, a variety of beans, and many more in large containers. The idea is to have a variety so I can use them all year long.
Now that I have some experience of garden planning and have planted several varieties of plants, I want to share some of the other types of things I now buy seeds for, such as sunflowers, basil, and sweet peas. I really enjoy having a nice assortment of flowers each year. I get to choose exactly which plant I want to plant and then plant them. I find this an especially good option when I live in an area with a short growing season.
I’ll also share with you some soil preparation methods. I’ve found that the best method for me is actually to mix the soil with topsoil before I plant. That way I know the soil will have proper pH levels and the mixture will make it much easier for my plants to take root. I usually do a topsoil/soil mix in the spring. By the end of May I will have new grass and flowers starting to bloom. Then it’s time to till the soil for another year (or even longer if I live in an area with very mild winters). It might also be important to look for dead tree stumps as those can take up a substantial amount of space. In such cases, hiring a Stump Grinding service in the area to remove the stump can be a wise decision.
Of course, there are other ways you can go about preparing the soil for your seeds. If you live in a colder climate where you’re not going to have any weather during the growing season, I recommend that you go to a local nursery and purchase some dehydrated soil or even a few pounds of topsoil. These products are packed full of nutrients and can really help your garden. You might even be lucky to find some plants in their Greenhouse Structures that can grow well in your local climate. I want to stress that you need to be careful about the type of seeds you buy. I’ve purchased a couple of black pepper seeds that I never seem to be able to grow. I’ve also purchased garlic and onions that my wife has been dying for over a year now.
You’ll also need to get seeds that are not highly-acidic. I tend to stay away from anything with high acidity because I find it hard to control the insects that like to eat them. For example, I love to eat almonds so I definitely stay away from those. I’m a huge fan of sunflowers, alfalfa, cabbage, broccoli, cress and other sprouts that tend to be more in the acid region. These are definitely my favorite type of gardening seeds.